Our School

About Eastfield

Eastfield School is committed to providing the best possible education for its children in a child appropriate, stimulating and caring environment.

Eastfield will use and develop in partnership the talents and strengths of its Staff, Parents, Governors and Community for mutual benefit and to achieve our aims.

Eastfield undertakes that all working practices and procedures are founded on principles of equality and will not be inhibited by discriminatory acts or practices.

A video welcome to Our School

Introduced by our Executive Headteacher, Mr Statham followed by pupils from our school.

Eastfield deliver a 32.5 hour school week, from 8.40am to 3.10pm Monday to Friday for the year groups 1- 6.

Inclusion Aims

Eastfield School provides an inclusive education. This means that, regardless of any strengths or difficulties, all students become part of our whole school community.

As a school we:

  • Do not stereotype or label children
  • Value all students and staff equally
  • Enable access to all areas of learning
  • Overcome barriers to learning
  • Respect cultural diversity
  • Are sympathetic when responding to the needs of individuals
  • Develop and share positive values
  • Lay foundations for the children’s future
  • Provide an effective learning environment
  • Develop effective teaching practise for inclusion
  • Are committed to funding inclusion effectively
  • Work in partnership with parents
  • Work hard to secure effective communication
  • Liaise with external agencies

Inclusive Education

Behaviour at Eastfield Primary

This is the Eastfield Essential for ensuring positive behaviour policy.

At Eastfield we expect all of our pupils to come to school with positive attitudes and high expectations. We believe that every child and every adult at our school has the right to feel happy, to feel valued and to be treated with respect. Positive and desirable behaviour is a responsibility of everyone involved in our school. Positive classroom behaviour is as important as positive playground behaviour. At Eastfield Primary School our aim is to create an environment, physically and emotionally, where everyone feels safe and secure, where we can all meet the challenges each new day brings.

Our Behaviour Policy will help to reinforce our positive school ethos.